Friday, September 11, 2009

September 11

Homework: Print out, read, and mark "The First Day."


1. Check supplies

2. Collect paragraphs

3. Syllabus

4. Voice, tone, theme, and mood

More about the homework is below.

As you read make SIX marks:

1. Write out two questions as you read. What questions come up in your mind? Write them in the margins.

2. Make two connections between this text and your life, another text, movie, or book. Write them in the margins where you see the connections.

3. Underline or highlight two passages that reveal the author's tone.

After reading “The First Day” by Edward P. Jones write a two page reader-response to the piece. A reader-response is exactly that: your response, emotional and intellectual, to this piece. You may want to focus on just one aspect of the story or you may have many different ideas you want to further explore. Below are some guiding questions for you to use. You DO NOT need to answer all of them. In fact, you can respond to anything you want to in the text.

In your response, you need to incorporate at least five quotes from the story to support and specify your reactions.

What images stand out to you? Why?
What is this story about? Do not explain the plot. Dig deeper. The narrator is much older than she was when the story occurred. Why is she telling it now?
What assumptions do you have about the author after reading the piece?
Identify some themes; explore and explain them. Remember, a theme is NOT ONE WORD.
Identify some important details. What do the details add to the tone of the piece?
What is your reaction to the actions of the mother?
Discuss the tone of the piece. What is the narrator’s attitude toward her mother?
Discuss the mood of the piece. What is the predominant emotion or feeling of the piece?
Identify and discuss a theme presented in the piece.
Make connections between your own life and this story, American society and this story, or another text and this story.
What did you learn as a result of reading this piece?

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