Wednesday, February 24, 2010

February 24

HW: Print out essay instructions under assignments from Edline.

1. Finish satire (10 minutes)
2. Video

Wiki Instructions

For your final essay on Huck Finn, you will craft a group essay on a Wiki. A Wiki is like a word document, but it can have several users access it from any computer.

You will be put in random groups. This may seem scary, but it offers you an opportunity to work with people you have never worked with before (life skill), and it will require you to communicate with diplomacy. You will also be held accountable by your group members. If an individual fails to complete his/her assigned portion of the essay, he/she will be given the option to complete the entire essay for ½ credit. Although people are at different levels in their ability to write, all members have the opportunity to edit and refine the essay on a Wiki. Rarely is writing a singular process; instead it is something that can involve many authors and even more editors.


1. The first name picked is the Wiki Executor. This only means that he/she will use his/her email to set up the Wiki. If there are any members of your team that do not have email (since email is so 2005), please have these people go to Gmail and set up an account right now.
2. The second name drawn is the Secretary. This person must record all information.
3. The Executor and his/her group needs to create a Wiki account today by following these simple steps:
a. Go to http://eccemail/exchweb/bin/redir.asp?URL=
b. Follow the instructions provided to set up a Wiki account (use the Executor’s email).
c. The Executor will need to check his/her email for verification.
d. Once verified (click on the link in your email), you will be brought back to PB Wiki.
e. Click on the "Home" icon in the upper left.
f. Click on "Create a Work Space" in the center.
g. Select the "Free" option
h. Pick an address: your first names all together may work.
i. Select the "individual" use option.
j. Agree to the terms.
k. Click on the options so that only your group can view the space and only the people you invite can edit it.
l. Agree to the terms and go to your work space.
m. Invite all members of your group AND me to be writers on the Wiki. Do this by selecting the "invite more people" option. Invite all your members to be writers. My email is

* Write everything down: your username, pass words, etc.
Each member should then check his/her email independently to accept the invite to the Wiki.

*Remember: Only one user can be on the Wiki at a time. Determine who will submit their portion of the assignment at what times.
*All of you can edit! Please use this opportunity to check for spelling and grammar errors as well as stylistic choices.
If a member fails to complete his/her section, please notify me. This individual will be graded independently.

Your final paper is due, printed out, on Tuesday, March 2nd.

WRITE DOWN ALL USER NAMES PASSWORDS! If you forget your password not only will you be inconvenienced, but you will inconvenience your entire group.

Tonight: All members of the group need to go to Edline, print out a copy if the essay assignment, and bring it to class tomorrow.

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