Sunday, November 29, 2009

November 30th

1. Read 24-25

1. Get into groups
2. Complete flow maps if needed, 14-23
3. Hot seat preparation
4. Quiz

Friday, November 20, 2009

November 20

Homework: Read 15-23
Quiz on Monday, November 30th
Complete flowmap
Study vocab

Holden's Mind
Issues in the book


Thursday, November 19, 2009

November 19th

Homework: Read 14 & 15
Complete Vocab

Flowmap 11-13
Holden's Mind
Read or Vocab

For each vocab word:
1. Look it up in the book, and write out the sentence it is used in in the book.
2. Write out the dictionary definition of the word
3. Write out the part of speech
4. Use it in a sentence that shows your understanding of the word and that connects to the book.

Ostracize (3)
Compulsory (17)
Sadistic (22)
Exhibitionist (29)
Monotonous * (37)
Unscrupulous * (40)
Pacifist (46)
Conscientious (55)
Incognito (60)
Putrid (69)

Wednesday, November 18, 2009


Read 10-13
Possible quiz tomorrow

Turn in papers
Your writing territories
Write (at least 1/2 page)

Tuesday, November 17, 2009


Homework: Finish papers.
Be sure you format correctly, using MLA style. See the model paper on Edline for an example.
Papers are due tomorrow. Papers turned in on Thursday will be docked 20% off the final grade.
Do not email papers unless you have a printing problem. If this occurs, email the paper to show me it is completed, and then find a way to print out a hard copy to submit to me. You did a wonderful job at this last time!

Flow maps
Star revisions

Monday, November 16, 2009


Read 7-9
Quiz over 1-9 on Tuesday.
Bring in a typed, complete draft of your essay on Tuesday.

Paper conclusions
Flow Map 1-6
Power point
Judging Stradlater


Sunday, November 15, 2009


Isn't this exciting? Get ready to do this with Catcher!!!

Letters Home

Saturday, November 14, 2009

November 13

ISN"T THIS COOL! I MADE IT ALL BY MYSELF! Get ready to make one too!


Wednesday, November 11, 2009

November 11

Write the remaining two body paragraphs. Each paragraph should explain one assertion Enger is making about your opposing values. What is Enger saying about loyalty and disloyalty? Evil and good?

1. Go over paragraphs
2. Film
3. Pass out Catcher in the Rye

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

November 10th

Review thesis
Write first body paragraph: cause and effect
  • Include two specific causes and two specific events.
  • Embed one quote that reveals importance of one of the effects or one of the causes.


1. Check thesis statements

2. Thesis gallery walk

3. Cause and effect maps (see mine)

4. Cause and effect paragraph model

Monday, November 9, 2009

November 9th

Write working thesis statement
Write draft of introduction

1. Gallery walk
  • Find your topic's posters. Peruse the posters and record any examples or quotes you think may be useful in writing your paper.
  • Record these somewhere on your double bubble.

2. Thesis statements: complete a two-part thesis statement.

  • In the first part, identify the cause and effect of the conflict.
  • In the second part, explain what you will argue Enger is saying about these ideas.

EXAMPLE: Age and youth conflict because those who are youthful in the novel believe justice is not always achieved through legal means whereas those who are aged fully believe society rests in the legal system; through this conflict, Enger asserts that while youth are hopeful and imaginative, those aged are grounded in reality and resigned to follow the widely held systems and beliefs already in practice.

Wow. This is wordy. Can I cut it?

Youth fight (question-debate-doubt) the aged view that justice is the responsibility of the legal system; Enger asserts that the hope and imagination of youth become weathered (ruined-vanquished) by the resignation and logical reality of those who are aged.


The hope and imagination of youth crumble under the aged view of justice that is resigned to a legal system that determines and institutes consequences.

3. View film

Friday, November 6, 2009

November 6


Complete a double bubble map about your two ethical ideas about which you will write.
Write down characters, events, places, and any of your own ideas that you associate with these topics. You should have at least ten things that are unique to each ethical idea. You will also need to find at least five people, places, events, or ideas that may be seen as representative of both ethical ideas.

1. Ethical ideas double bubble map
2. Film

Wednesday, November 4, 2009


Notebook check on Friday:

TTTC Flow Map- 6 points
Have at least 10 chapters completed.

A-Z Chart TTTC- 2 points
T-Chart A True War Story- 2 points
Lit Terms- 2 points

PLAR on-going notebook- 6 points
Have at least 15 chapters completed.
Include a symbol and a quote.

Five Memories- 2 points

Total: 20 points
HW: Finish the book.
Quiz tomorrow: 156-end of book. The quiz will be multiple choice.
Pick a paper topic for tomorrow!

Today: Give One Get One with allusions.
Add to spectrum maps.
Go over final paper.
Final paper is on Edline.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Tuesday, November 3rd

  • 1. Read to 287
  • 2. Complete Allusion Explanations
Allusion Explanations
On a Note Card:
  1. Pick one allusion from the list below, or of your own choosing.
  2. Identify what it is (a book, movie, person, etc.).
  3. Look up what it is or means and provide a brief description or definition (the W's: who, what, why, where, when, how).
  4. In three-four sentences, connect it to the text. Why or how does it fit with the story's plot or characters?

Old American Houses (287)
Boy Ready (267-268)
Riders of the Purple Sage (241)
Zane Grey (241)
Teddy Roosevelt (239)
Butch Cassidy (189-rest of the book)
The Dust Bowl (181)
Ranch Life and the Hunting Trail (175)
The Battle Hymn of the Republic (174-175- What Jeremiah is singing)
Moby Dick (161)
Charlie Pitts (154-155)
Kidnapped (153)
Lazarus (3)
Natty Bumpo (8)
Huckleberry Finn (138)
Ninety-first Psalm (103)

Sunday, November 1, 2009

November 1-2

Discussion postponed until Tuesday. For Monday, simply read to 255.

Homework for Tuesday: Finish dialogue sheet. In class dialogue on Tuesday.

Homework for Wednesday: Read to 287. Print out the Stevenson poem you like most.
Bring it to class. Discuss allusions in class on Wednesday. Assign paper. Paper is due typed, printed out, and with a rubric on Wednesday, November 14.

Homework for Thursday: Finish book. Final quiz Thursday.

In class: Ongoing notebook assignment.
  1. Students will be assigned one chapter.
  2. Students will illustrate or find and image that is representative of an event or idea chapter. (5 pts.)
  3. Students will explain image in one sentence. (1 pt.)
  4. Students will find a MIQ (most important quote- this can be the same or different from the one that connects to the title) and explain the context of the quote. (3 pts.)
  5. Students will list thematic ideas present in this chapter (loyalty, courage, evil, etc.) (1 pt.)
  6. Students will present.


This is a picture symbolizing Reuben's birth.
"Reuben Land, in the name of the living God, I am telling you to breathe" (3).
Jeremiah states this when he is telling his son Reuben, who has been lifeless for the first 12 minutes of his life, to breathe, and he does. It is clearly the first miracle we witness Jeremiah perform in the novel.
Thematic ideas: faith, loyalty