Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Tuesday, November 3rd

  • 1. Read to 287
  • 2. Complete Allusion Explanations
Allusion Explanations
On a Note Card:
  1. Pick one allusion from the list below, or of your own choosing.
  2. Identify what it is (a book, movie, person, etc.).
  3. Look up what it is or means and provide a brief description or definition (the W's: who, what, why, where, when, how).
  4. In three-four sentences, connect it to the text. Why or how does it fit with the story's plot or characters?

Old American Houses (287)
Boy Ready (267-268)
Riders of the Purple Sage (241)
Zane Grey (241)
Teddy Roosevelt (239)
Butch Cassidy (189-rest of the book)
The Dust Bowl (181)
Ranch Life and the Hunting Trail (175)
The Battle Hymn of the Republic (174-175- What Jeremiah is singing)
Moby Dick (161)
Charlie Pitts (154-155)
Kidnapped (153)
Lazarus (3)
Natty Bumpo (8)
Huckleberry Finn (138)
Ninety-first Psalm (103)

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