Sunday, November 1, 2009

November 1-2

Discussion postponed until Tuesday. For Monday, simply read to 255.

Homework for Tuesday: Finish dialogue sheet. In class dialogue on Tuesday.

Homework for Wednesday: Read to 287. Print out the Stevenson poem you like most.
Bring it to class. Discuss allusions in class on Wednesday. Assign paper. Paper is due typed, printed out, and with a rubric on Wednesday, November 14.

Homework for Thursday: Finish book. Final quiz Thursday.

In class: Ongoing notebook assignment.
  1. Students will be assigned one chapter.
  2. Students will illustrate or find and image that is representative of an event or idea chapter. (5 pts.)
  3. Students will explain image in one sentence. (1 pt.)
  4. Students will find a MIQ (most important quote- this can be the same or different from the one that connects to the title) and explain the context of the quote. (3 pts.)
  5. Students will list thematic ideas present in this chapter (loyalty, courage, evil, etc.) (1 pt.)
  6. Students will present.


This is a picture symbolizing Reuben's birth.
"Reuben Land, in the name of the living God, I am telling you to breathe" (3).
Jeremiah states this when he is telling his son Reuben, who has been lifeless for the first 12 minutes of his life, to breathe, and he does. It is clearly the first miracle we witness Jeremiah perform in the novel.
Thematic ideas: faith, loyalty

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